bergsport picos de europa

The Hiking and Trekking is excellent. It’s great to walk and climb through the mysterious and whimsical Picos de Europa.

On many routes in the Picos there are many steep ups and downs, so choose your route carefully if you are a beginner or walking with small children.

There are walks directly from the finca or from the town, but if you really want to reach the heights of the Picos, it is recommended to start with the Fuente De cable car or drive to another starting point by car.

Do you need information, material or guide? Everything is easy to organize through the finca app.

With your reservation you will receive access to the estate’s app. In this app you will not only find all the information about your accommodation, but also about places of interest and activities in the town and the region. This way you can prepare your trip in time, plan excursions and possibly arrange for certified guides. This application also contains advice on the contents of your backpack, which hiking boots are suitable, exercises to prepare for your trip, all types of hiking routes, trekking, with or without a guide.


Please note: The cable car is open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (15 minutes before closing, the last trip goes up) and around Easter and in summer a little more (high season even from 8:00 a.m.).

Do you choose a multi-day hike? Check in advance to see if there is space in the shelters and make your reservation. Do you have a federation pass? Then you get a discount on your overnight stays.


wandelen picos


Vega Urriellu: the largest refuge and closest to the icon of the Picos: Urriellu, also called Naranjo de Bulnes. Once you’ve arrived, you also have several walking and climbing options. You can choose to walk to Urriellu from the top of Fuente De. Or start your walk at Sotres or Pandebano.

Collado Jermoso: Smaller, cozy cabin in a spectacular location. Ascent from the top at Fuente Dé or from the Vega Urriellu refuge.

Refugio La Terenosa is a nice little cabin (maximum 20 sleeping places), close to a parking lot (40 minutes walk?), nice as a stopover or if you are walking with small children.

And many more shelters..

Unfortunately, rescues are regularly necessary in the mountains. Make sure you know what you are doing. Also tell someone where you are going and when you expect to return.

And take the right things with you.

Have fun and stay safe!


The Cares Route

What is also very popular, and more than just going up and down mountains, is the beautiful walk through the El Cares river gorge: La Ruta del Cares. The starting point is Poncebos, a little more than an hour’s drive from the finca. Be sure to arrive early. Parking is limited and fills up with people around 10 in the morning.

It is a narrow but flat terrain, so it is also feasible with children from 8 years old if they like it. There is a point somewhere near a bridge where you can climb down for a picnic with a refreshing dip in the crystal clear turquoise waters.



One of the highlights of the Asturian Picos are the lakes of Covadonga. It is a popular tourist destination, There are two lakes: Lake Enol and Lake La Ercina. Both lakes are surrounded by mountains and that makes them very beautiful to see. Lake La Ercina is the more spectacular of the two due to the beautiful peaks in the background.

There are several walking routes from the parking lot. You can only visit the lakes. However, it is also possible to take circular walks where you also walk around the lakes and visit the landscape behind the lakes. The walks are indicated with lines on the rocks.

Visiting just the lake viewpoints involves landscaped steps and a hilly path.

The trip to the lakes is feasible with small children. These can also be visited by buggy, although you have to walk along the road. The circular walk can be a little strenuous for small children. It’s a lot of climbing sometimes. This is not accessible for buggies.


There are several food and drink outlets on the lakes. These are located on the Enol Lake road. In the town of Covadonga you will find several food and drink outlets. Cangas de Onis offers many restaurants and bars.

On the way to the lakes of Covadonga you will also pass several viewpoints, of which the Mirador del Reina is the most beautiful and famous. If you go with your own car, you can stop here. If you take the bus (see Covadonga Lakes Route and Parking) it doesn’t stop here.


The lakes of Covadonga take their name from the place Covadonga. It is particularly known for its sanctuaries. There is a beautiful basilica on top of a hill, which makes for a pretty picture. The Holy Caves are special. A sacred cave where an entire church is built and services are held. Depending on the season, you will also find a waterfall and a fountain with 7 spouts under the cave. Behind the chapel, the cave continues to the street where you can continue to the Basilica of Santa María la Real de Covadonga. The interior of the basilica is sober. The basilica and the cave are close to each other. You don’t have to spend a lot of time to visit the shrines.