In addition to the rugged mountains, the Picos are also known for the beautiful mountain lakes, the Lakes of Covadonga. Up to an altitude of about 500 meters, the Picos are covered with elms, oaks, chestnuts, ashes, and birches. Meadows (vegas) are found up to 1,000 – 1,200 meters. From 1,500 meters, you walk among the wild peaks.

The red-billed chough, the vulture, and the griffon vulture are quite common. Although the brown bear remains an endangered species, its population in Spain has increased in recent years. The chances of encountering a bear on your walks are still slim. A good number of wolves live in the remote areas of the Picos, much to the protest of many farmers. There are many protected animals, including the bearded vulture and the capercaillie. Many predators live here: marten, ferret, fox, wildcat, ermine, wolf, deer, and wild boar. Eagles, falcons, vultures, and owls can also be found in the area. The most characteristic animal of the Picos de Europa is the Pyrenean chamois (rebeco), an athletic animal about 75 centimeters high and 1 meter long. It has two pointed horns and brown fur with a dark stripe down its back.
On your walks in the Picos, you will also encounter semi-wild horses and goats, without even seeing a shepherd in the distance.
If you want to see how the animals of the Picos live in their natural environment, the best way is to explore the nature reserve with Enrique and Hugo.

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