
La Finca Roja
Huerta Vitor s/n
Cra. Albanes
39570 Potes, Cantabria
(put the navigation on La Soldreria (the restaurant on the corner): Calle el Sol 13, Potes, Cantabria, Spain

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From Bilbao it is 2.5 hours by car to Potes. The last hour is through the gorge and I don’t advise to do that in the dark. The last 500 meters to the farm are along a narrow path where it is also advisable to have good light, especially the first time. In the large Potes parking lot (on both sides of the road) you take a small street to the left (having the bus station on your right hand side), then immediately left again and after the La Soldreria restaurant you turn right. Follow that street until you reach the farm. Call me if you don’t recognize any of this (+31 (0) 652642159) Your navigation is useless during the last part. That is why we have made a video for the last 7 minutes (from the Ojedo roundabout) that guides you to the finca:

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